Hey learners! Are you looking for Free Online Courses to Upskill Yourself? Well you know we are always ahead of others when bringing courses to you and this time it’s upGrad 60+ Free Online Courses has been launched where you can also avail Free Certificate on successful competition of any course.
To know more about these online courses stick around with this post for more information.
About upGrad 60+ Free Online Courses
Free Courses are a unique ecosystem within upGrad to help you stay ahead of the curve and experience a part of upGrad’s learning experience free of cost. You can choose courses from Business Basics, Data Science, Marketing, Machine Learning & Technology and build your foundational knowledge over a couple of hours. You will have access to Cutting Edge Content that is entirely Self-Paced, a Live Discussion Forum to ask your questions and to interact with others in your class, and a Certificate on successful completion of the course, free of cost.
Types of Courses
These 60+ Courses are divided into different fields like-
- Business Basics
- Data Science
- Marketing
- Machine Learning
- Technology
- Career Planning,
- New Courses
Yes, you get a free Verified E-Certificate From upGrad on successful completion of your course.
Note: You won’t be charged any single rupee for Certification.
What are Free Courses?
Free Courses are a unique ecosystem within upGrad to help you stay ahead of the curve and experience a part of upGrad's learning experience free of cost. You can choose courses from Business Basics, Data Science, Marketing, Machine Learning & Technology and build your foundational knowledge over a couple of hours. You will have access to Cutting Edge Content that is entirely Self-Paced, a Live Discussion Forum to ask your questions and to interact with others in your class, and a Certificate on successful completion of the course, free of cost.
React.js For Beginners (14hrs)
Kickstart your career journey with React.js from basics to Learning how to create a phone directory application using open source library.
JavaScript Basics from Scratch (19hrs)
In this course, you will learn the concepts of variables and datatypes, conditionals, loops, arrays, objects and functions in JavaScript.
Core Java Basics (23hrs)
In this course, you will learn the concept of variables and the various data types that exist in Java. You will get introduced to Conditional statements, Loops and Functions in Java.
Advanced JavaScript for All (25hrs)
This course covers advanced JavaScript concepts around client-side functioning, versions of language and async.
Object-Oriented Principles in Java: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism (12hrs)
In this course, learn about the framework of classes and objects, and get introduced to the principles of OOP - Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism.
Object Oriented Analysis and Design for Beginners (7hrs)
In this course, you will learn about OOAD and why you need it. You will get introduced to the Object-Oriented Paradigm of software development and with Unified Modelling Language.
Blockchain Features Simplified (5hrs)
In this course, learn about the global use-cases in blockchain as well as about smart contracts and their associated features.
Data Structures & Algorithm - Interview Questions (50hrs)
Gear up for a DSA interview with this comprehensive prep on the topic along with practice quizzes and questions.