Free WorkShop on Devopstar 2022 | Get For Junior specialists For Free | 2 Day Remaining | 25 - 28 Jan |


  • DevSecOps
  • Monitoring and Observability
  • Team Communication and Collaboration
  • CI/CD Toolset
  • Configuration and Automation tools
  • Cloud Management

Online Summit for Devops

25th -27th January 

What’s new in DevOps 2022

  • IT Security 
  • Kubernetes and operators
  • Infrastructure automation
  • Team Effectiveness
  • Open source
  • Hybrid architecture
  • GitOps
  • Agile
  • DevSecOps
  • Team Development
  • Distributed architecture 
  • QAOps 
  • Monitoring
  • Delivery
  • Architectural Patterns 
  • Team Effectiveness
  • Mindset
  • Infrastructure-as-Code
  • Continuous Integration
  • Standardized tooling
  • DataOps
  • Github actions
  • Azure Bicep
  • Serverless computing
  • Chaos Testing

Mastering DevOps in 2022

The world is changing enormously fast, and so there are a lot of new ideas, methods and technology improvement made in DevOps world to help you deal with threats and issues that may come your way as a developer, Engineer even as the CEO or founder of an organization.   

To stay up to date and be ready for the newest DevOps challenges - using Kubernetes, clouds, open source , QAOps, GitOPs, DataOps,Integrated delivery pipelines with DevOps tools becoming plug-and-play, reducing platform usage through standardisation, Edge computing prioritization. 

One has to upgrade their knowledge as often as possible to be able to work more effectively and efficiently.Thus the conference will give you both educational and networking opportunities.

We've gathered the world-class DevOps specialists to share their experience, best practices and special approach to problem solving. Even if you are experienced, you will definitely learn something new.


Day 1: Beginners

For Junior specialists

Senior Systems Analyst / Chief Technology Officer

Dr. Joe Perez

“Balancing Art and Science with Actionable Data (From Concept to Reality)”

Anyone can make a pretty bar graph, but can you make sound decisions based on that graph? Is it actionable, or is it only fluff? How do you turn flashy concepts into actionable visualizations? Can you see the end result of those concepts; will they ever become reality? Do you have the vision to combine beauty with brains, thereby driving decisions with data? Or do you settle for destroying direction with disaster?  American mathematician John Tukey once said, ""The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see."" What value do you see in your data? And what ideas do you have when you see it? Learn how you can capitalize on your ideas for effective data storytelling by blending internal with external, leveraging them into a cohesive strategy for both the short term AND the long term. See the five ""Stages of the Spectrum"" in action while discovering the difference between impact and influence, and how that difference plays into making data actionable. Catch the right blend of art and science, or beauty and brains, as you go from concept to reality.

Digital and App Innovation Cloud Solution Architecture Manager

Jorge Valenzuela

Azure Developer Technical Lead

Ignacio Melero Miguel

"GitOps: Wake up, it is not a dream, these are your new IT operations!"

IT operations are starting to take advantage of the DevOps culture and way of work. GitOps is the cornerstone for this strategy movement to facilitate IT operations for: . Reducing the time to deploy - Avoid human mistakes - Modernize the Business Continuity plans - Boosting the value delivered to the business And many many other we will show you during the session!!!

Vodafone UK

Head of Systems Engineering

David Jambor 

"Stages of DevOps"

Starting with an overview of How DevOps came to be, what are the most important aspects to focus on during a transformational journey.  Focusing on 6 key category in technical depth: - Infrastructure as Code - Observability as code - CICD - Testing - Security - Tooling strategy  Summarise the different ways to use OKRs and KPIs, and what KPIs are important for you/ how to measure them…  Conclude with a maturity model which you may use during your digital transformation

Senior DevOps Architect

Piotr Zaniewski

"Kubernetes Certifications: how to take your career to next level"

Some say that Kubernetes is a fabric for cloud native applications, platform to build platforms or operating system of the cloud. Well, all of those statements are true, but most importantly, Kubernetes is everywhere and its popularity will only grow, as it fades to the background powering workloads on servers in public, private and hybrid clouds, on edge and even in space.  Big part of DevOps movement is ""learning culture"". Companies expect more from new and seasoned employees, technologies come and go with neck breaking speed. One proven way of continuously learning is investing in yourself by learning and validating your knowledge with a certificate.  CNCF created 3 Kubernetes certifications, one for administrators: CKA, for developers: CKAD and security specialists: CKS. During this talk we will look into learning process, certification details and I will share with you tips and tricks on how to pass the exams.


Kris Buytaert

"Observability will not fix your broken monitoring"

Plenty of organisations have trouble monitoring their applications / infrastructure,   a new tool will no doubt solve their problems.     New is always better right ..  6 months down the road the new tool is in place .. but their pain is still there ?  What went wrong   This talk will focus on how to fix your monitoring , with real life stories from the field..


Amber Vanderburg

“Cultivate a Culture of Creativity, Collaboration, and Captainship ”

In my work as an organizational leader- I work with amazing companies around the world, helping them craft and implement strategies to build high-performing teams.  And when I work with these teams, I notice that there are two factors that make all the difference between a good organization and one that is changing the world.  The first is having a culture of collaboration – and this means collaboration across individuals, across departments, and across teams – really - it’s a culture that’s less about competition and cutthroat political systems.. And more about helping each other achieve the extraordinary.  The second quality is organizations that treat and expect their employees to act like owners. Owning not just their behaviors, actions, and responsibilities, but owning outcomes and becoming a voice for the organization.  No matter where your organization is at today, the good news is– there are proven strategies to create a culture of collaborative ownership at your organization and that’s what I’m going to teach you in this course.  I’ll share how you can build momentum from a carefully crafted vision and goals, I’ll help you improve communication and drive ownership, I’ll help you foster creativity, and finally, I’ll help you train up leaders in your organization and help you meet more of your goals.  So, if you’re ready to transform your organization. let’s go!

Chief Architect

Cristian Prevedello

“Securing legacy applications and container microservices in kubernetes with security mesh and hasicorp vault”

Security in enterprise context is paramount. The session is about how Hashicorp Vault has been adopted to transition from a perimeter based security setup to a zero trust setup.  A private key infrastructure has been adopted to secure communications between services, applications and databases. Secrets and passwords are managed by Vault only and they rotated on a regular basis.  We’ll show the challenges we had to face to integrate people, processes, and a mix of technology like kubernetes, virtual machines, legacy applications deployed in application servers or services that were not built for these security standards.

Senior Manager, Lean Digital Transformation

Larissa Rosochansky

"What's Engineering Culture all about anyway? "

Every organization now wants to become a digitally transformed organization. To do that, companies are beginning to realize that adaptability combined with rapid response to change is the new competitive advantage that enables and facilitates speed to market. How can we focus on some very important guiding principles that will span over our tech team? Embracing organizational change. You need to move mindset and culture shift which generates an engineering culture.      In this talk, Larissa will talk about the findings on The Accelerate State of DevOps Report 2019 and 2020 and how this relates to enabling Engineering Culture throughout your organization. She will also explain some key pillars to foster an Engineering Culture, the top guiding principles, and some successful cases of Engineering Culture out there.    After the talk, the audience will be able to explain to their organization the importance of the Engineering Culture and design a plan to apply those principles inside their companies. Happy Engineers make a better product!

Owner, partner Dean Schuster "What the Soviet Space Program Taught Me About Digital Product Development. The Science, Psychology, and Secrets of Stellar UI"

The space race between the USA and USSR was one of the great dramatic stories of the 20th century. Our very industry was born as Washington and Moscow relentlessly competed to master the stars.  For space nuts like me, this era is utterly compelling. It’s also highly instructive for digital product developers. Engineers drove the innovation that pushed us beyond earth. The lessons they learned and processes they created can help us today as we make apps, sites, and software.  Of course, the Soviet side of the story tends to be less understood. And that’s exactly what we’ll explore. It’s unbelievable stuff, and a cautionary tale for development teams.

Agile & QAOps Lead Subhasish Pattanaik "Cognitive Continuous Testing - Next gen approach"

Let say using any conventional Test Design technique (like Process Oriented or Data oriented or Condition Oriented) you have 5 given conditions to be tested thoroughly and you use Decision Table Testing which would lead to 2 to power of 5 = 32 Test cases. That's a bit too much to call this an efficient Test set. Have you ever heard of Elementary Comparison Test (ECT) design Technique infused with Modified Condition Decision Coverage(MCDC). This way with only 7 Test cases you can guarantee that every condition has contributed to trigger every outcome of the entry-check of the roller-coaster. So its effective, efficient and Faster. Keen to learn how we did it? please join me in my talk where I will walk you through how we in BT have developed an in-house AI-powered Test design Technique for our Testing process which runs only what is important and not everything every time directly triggered on the Pipeline.

CTO of Managed Services Kalle Sirkesalo "Github Actions in cloud"

Github Actions take flight to cloud. I am here to tell the good and bad of Actions in action. We have worked endlessly to make sure to offer our customers the best possible experience with their DevOps tooling as a service. This talk will tell you a bit about our experiences on offering Github as a hosted service to our customers and how Actions transformed their ways of working.Github Actions are the latest trend in development and my aim is that after this talk you know how to leverage your Github even better. We also touch base on the challenges we have faced and the ways to solve these issues within the possibilities.

API Expert / Senior Solutions Architect Daniel Kocot "APIOps"

The development of APIs always begins with the old and meanwhile boring battle of API first or code first. But working with APIs refers to a process that includes design, development, and operation. With these thoughts in mind and the possibilities of API gateways and platforms to support these processes, the question of how to automate these processes arises very quickly. Daniel Kocot shows in his session how API gateways or platforms can positively influence the development process of APIs according to the DevOps idea and the CALMS model in order to deliver better APIs to consumers.

Specific Knowledge Leader Rui Rodrigues "Presto! - The magic of an open source REST based test automation framework"

Presto! is a new test automation framework that is highly flexible and configurable. It, is a set of REST services that calls configurable plugins; each plugin provides a function that makes easier the process of test automation, as:

  • Screenshot generating and manipulating
  • Data source manipulation
  • Communication with test management tools 
  • Execution triggering and paralellizing 
  • Anything you can think of. It's a pluggable architecture that can deal with new plugins you can develop using a default interface.

CEO Javier Re "Testing in DevOps"

The DevOps culture was born from IT departments as a challenge to streamline software development processes. On many occasions we have heard about the digital transformation in companies, the adoption of new technologies to digitalize their business. Therefore, these processes are supported by agile methodologies to address these changes that occur at a rapid and continuous pace. Additionally, software products must be safe and must perform fast for both customers and users. DevOps: It is the conjunction of two words Development and Operations. The concept involves a set of people, processes and tools that accompany and offer constant value to the business and customers. This allows that different roles or areas within the organization are not isolated (development, quality, operations, security) and that they work engaging in solidarity where the process develops continuously and fluidly, building software products with better, effective results and more. reliable. The devops culture challenges the conventional structure when developing software. The most important thing is the communication of all the participants of this culture, with clear, concise and assertive messages in which incentives are aligned and generating confidence that the other gives the best that they can give. Failure is part of the process, it is an opportunity for improvement to take actions that can generate a change in the face of the process and the development of the DevOps culture, always focused on the customer. The QA area plays an important role in this process, software testing has to be adapted to this new culture, changing the way the testing was made before the adoption of DevOps, automating as much as possible, and moving left to start the QA process as earlier as possible.

Sr. Engineering Manager Priyanka Reddy "Software Rot: Why Exercise is Important for Your Software"

Does your team own a service or process that is exercised very rarely? Does it seem like there’s something broken every time you go to run it? You, my friend, might be plagued with dormant software rot. Come join my session to hear about what it is, my team’s own experience with this phenomenon and what we did to fix it.

Managing Director Johannes Haux "Beyond the Usual Code Review Tips: a Technical Guide"

“Write useful feedback and keep your changes small” - the internet is full of these code review tips. What is often missed: the technical part. But knowing how to properly utilize git is key for efficient code reviews. This is harder than it sounds. Git offers nearly 150 commands and 80.000 lines of documentation. Who has time to read all of this? Save yourself the time and join our talk to get an overview of all the interesting bits. We will not only show you the basics you need for efficient code reviews. We'll also explore the hidden gems that you might not be aware of, even if you have been using git for years. Prepare yourself for a hands-on talk for beginners and experts that helps you improve your code review workflow.

Chief Architect Anton Grishko "FinOps: Make your cloud match your needs"

Have you ever considered accepting a more dedicated role for cloud cost optimization? In this session, we will talk about FinOps and its importance. What FinOps strategies presently exist and what tools are currently available for efficient FinOps implementation.

Day 1: Beginners For Junior specialists

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  • Access to Day 1
  • Q&A panels

AGENDA DevOpStars22 January 25 15:30 - January 26 02:00 Junior Day 15:40 Keynote: Balancing Art and Science with Actionable Data (From Concept to Reality) NC Dept of Health & Human Services / SolonTek Corporation Dr. Joe Perez Senior Systems Analyst / Chief Technology Officer 16:10 Securing legacy applications and container microservices in Kubernetes Cristian Prevedello Chief Architect 16:40 Kubernetes Certifications: how to take your career to next level comforte AG Piotr Zaniewski Senior DevOps Architect 17:10 Q&A SESSION Piotr Zaniewski Dr. Joe Perez Cristian Prevedello BREAK TIME 10 MIN

17:50 GitOps: Wake up, it is not a dream, these are your new IT operations! Microsoft Jorge Valenzuela Sr Cloud Solution Architect Ignacio Melero Miguel Azure Developer Technical Lead

18:20 Stages of DevOps Vodafone UK David Jambor Head of Systems Engineering

18:50 Digital Product Development based on Soviet Space Program Dean Schuster Owner, Partner 19:20 Beyond the Usual Code Review Tips: a Technical Guide Johannes Haux Managing Director 19:50 Testing in DevOps Javier Re CEO 20:20 Q&A SESSION Jorge Valenzuela David Jambor Dean Schuster Johannes Haux Javier Re Ignacio Melero Miguel BREAK TIME 10 MIN 21:00 Cultivate a Culture of Creativity, Collaboration, and Captainship The Pathwayz Group Amber Vanderburg Founder 21:30 What's Engineering Culture all about anyway? Larissa Rosochansky Senior Manager, Lean Digital Transformation 22:00 Observability will not fix your broken monitoring Kris Buytaert CTO 22:30 Software Rot: Why Exercise is Important for Your Software Box Priyanka Reddy Sr. Engineering Manager 23:00 Cognitive Continuous Testing - Next gen approach British Telecom Subhasish Pattanaik Agile & QAOps Lead 23:30 Q&A SESSION Larissa Rosochansky Amber Vanderburg Kris Buytaert Priyanka Reddy Subhasish Pattanaik BREAK TIME 10 MIN 00:10 Github Actions in Cloud Kalle Sirkesalo CTO of Managed Services 00:40 ApiOps Daniel Kocot API Expert / Senior Solutions Architect 01:10 Presto! - The magic of an open-source REST-based test automation framework every Rui Rodrigues Specific Knowledge Leader 01:40 Q&A SESSION Kalle Sirkesalo Daniel Kocot Rui Rodrigue

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Currently I am pursuing B-Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata. Well-versed in numerous programming languages including HTML, Python, C. Strong background in project management and customer relations.

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