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A Definitive Guide On Employee Drug Testing

There are increased chances of corporate risks and fraud when hiring employees in this time of globalized corporate culture. It is important to screen them to judge their compatibility with the organization.

For example, in India, about 3 million people are dependant on drugs. Such stats make it unavoidable for Indian employers not to hire people who use drugs.

The reasons for such a high rate of drug use in India are many and hard to tackle. However, employers can avoid this problem with a straightforward method, i.e., employee drug testing.

Drug testing is an employer's measure to check if their employees are using drugs or not. By testing employees for drugs, employers can identify recent drug or alcohol use.

Wherever state laws permit it, employers have full freedom to test their employees for drug or alcohol use. But in some states, there are certain limits on conducting drug tests, and employers must follow guidelines and regulations.

Employers may conduct pre-employment drug testing for new applicants. Or, they can test their employees post-employment under specific circumstances.

Many companies conduct workplace drug testing. For example, transportation companies usually do screenings for their employees as they are required to operate vehicles with passengers or cargo. Such companies have to take such precautions.

Why do employers conduct drug tests?

Drug and alcohol use has many effects on the health of employees. It affects the morale and productivity of the employees. It can also create additional costs in terms of health care.

Here are some reasons why employers conduct employee drug testing -

  • To dissuade employees from using and abusing drugs and alcohol
  • To identify if employees use drugs or alcohol
  • To be able to guide employees who have drug or alcohol problems
  • To create a safe work environment and a drug-free workplace
  • To prevent hiring applicants who are drug or alcohol users
  • To follow state laws

What do drug tests detect?

Employers may conduct drug Testing or employment screening to detect the presence of the following substances -

  • Opiates (opium, morphine, heroin, codeine)
  • Cocaine/Crack
  • THC (cannabis, legalized marijuana, hash)
  • Amphetamines (meth, crank, speed, ecstasy)
  • Hallucinogens (LSD, magic mushrooms, peyote)
  • Inhalants (glue, paint)
  • Barbiturates
  • Methadone
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Prescription drugs (Vicodin, Oxycodone)

When do employers conduct drug tests?

There are many situations when an employer may conduct a drug test. The most common are -

Before employment - Drug testing before hiring applicants is done to prevent hiring people who use drugs. It takes place after the applicant receives the employment letter. If the applicants fail the test, they are not hired.

As applicants can anticipate drug tests, they can stop the usage of drugs several days before. As a result, employers may conduct their tests on an unannounced basis.

Reasonable suspicion - If drug abuse signs and symptoms are observed in an employee, employers may conduct drug testing to determine if they are on drugs. It is imperative to have a clear definition of which behaviors justify testing for drugs or alcohol.

Employees suspected of using drugs are advised not to come to work until the results have arrived.

After a workplace accident - To determine if drugs or alcohol were a factor in the occurrence of a workplace accident, a drug test may be conducted. It is essential to have some criteria set to determine if a test will be conducted and how and who will evaluate them.

Some examples of such criteria are deaths, acute injuries, and property damage.

Even though a post-accident drug test will determine drug or alcohol use, it cannot prove that drug or alcohol use caused the accident.

Periodic Testing - Testing may be done periodically or annually, especially if physical work is needed for the job. This type of testing is usually scheduled on an earlier date, and thus, employees can prepare beforehand by stopping drug use.

Random Testing - Employers may conduct a test on an unannounced basis on randomly selected individuals. The selection is made by computers so that every employee has an equal chance of testing.

Testing after return-to-duty - If an employee has tested positive in the past and has finished the treatment for drug use, and is ready to return to work, a return-to-duty test may be conducted. Employers may also use this type of testing to test employees who have been absent for a long time.

You can avoid that just take a pledge and say no to drugs


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Currently I am pursuing B-Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata. Well-versed in numerous programming languages including HTML, Python, C. Strong background in project management and customer relations.

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